How to Make Huge Profits Selling Recipes Online and by Mail!
Full Reprint/Resell Rights to over 59 popular Cookbooks in PDF format that can be printed out or sold in digital format!
Over 10,000 Recipes That You Can Use as Killer Classified Ads to Build Your Huge Opt-In Li$t of Red-Hot Cash Buyers!
"The Ultimate Recipe Seller's Resource CD-ROM"
Plus Get our revealing "How To Make Money Selling Recipes" Report!!
Looking for your own niche online? How about Recipes! There are so many keywords you can use with pay-per-click advertising.
There are so many affiliate products to offer your list of eager buyers. Food is a universal language that offers unlimited opportunities!
But where do I start? I need my own book. I need my own site. I need my own list of prospects and buyers, etc., etc. Your problems are solved!
Not only does this site offer tons of e-books that you can sell over and over again, you have access to ready-made web sites for each e-book and even a copy of this website as well.
If You Ever Wanted Your Own Instant $97 Product To Sell By Mail and Online - HERE IT IS! You get to keep ALL the money too!
If you ever wanted to "Grow Your Own Profitable Mailing List" - this is a hot market! -- The search volume online for Salmon, Chinese, ... is large! -- Endless Keyword possibilities!
YES, you can make great money in the information publishing business selling RECIPES! Below are hundreds of recipes to advertise with and make a huge profit on the back-endby following up with big-ticket related products.
1.) Your customers will be mostly women or housewives that love to shop online and by mail and many have deep pockets!
2.) There is tons of kitchen gadgets, cookware and cookbooks to sell them on the back-end through free affiliate programs!
3.) This is the best way to be a successful affiliate marketer. Sales come naturally by recommending "related" items on the back-end.
(Cant you keep a secret? So far, I have gotten checks for as much as $460 and even $750 by offering a hot product that is "related" to my main product on just one of my niche customer lists! Not only do I make hot money up front - I make it on the back-end repeat sales as well!)
The best way to become a successful affiliate is by doing it the natural way. By having affiliate products that you recommend and that are "related" to what you're selling on the front-end is the secret!
Rachel Ray sells a line of cookware and knives through her TV show. Emeril Lagasse has his own line of merchandise too. People trust them as experts, so they buy from them with confidence.
Fortunately, you and I don't have to be great like one of these celebrities to make some descent cash from food recipes or affiliate products. If you like cooking, or you believe this is a fun area to sell in . . . then these popular recipes are for you!
You see . . . THE BIG MONEY IS IN YOUR LIST OF RECIPE BUYERS THAT YOU WILL BE COLLECTING (Just think back-end or follow-up profits.)!
You can even start a monthly newsletter and each month reveal new tasty and exciting recipes that you have personally tried. As your customers read your newsletter they will see your "feature" products you have each month inside your newsletter! See, affiliate sales can be all nat-ur-aal!
Recipe buyers (mostly women) represent a large target-market that has money -- they have the checkbook and credit cards. This market obviously makes a great in-house mailing list worth developing. It means a thriving market and huge chunks of cash for sellers like you and me.
Remember, the big profits are on the back-end from future sales to these same buyers! That's where hot affiliate products will make you rich! I'll even recommend some sources for products you can contact in our free report.
How To Develop Classified Ads That Pull Like Crazy
Just look at all the adds in tabloids, magazines and other places you can find recipes for sale. The "recipe for success" selling recipes is in knowing how to write your ads and many new advertisers get it wrong!
You can even give recipes away and still make tons of money if you have a hot affiliate or back-end product to sell! A great way to build up your mailing list quickly online!
Again, the secret is in the structure of the ads themselves. That's why I am eager to include our free report along with this business opportunity.
And that's also why I have put together this hot little collection of some of the most killer recipes to be found. There are millions of recipe lovers out there and they are all yours for the picking!
They are just waiting for your tiny but powerful classified ad online or in magazines. Remember, when you know just how to write your ads (as revealed in our free special bonus report) you can reel them in over and over again.
You will be able to sell your customers new recipes year after year PLUS hot related items from affiliate or your own back-end products!
Introducing: "The Ultimate Recipe Seller's Resource CD-ROM" -- (That's 10,000+ Classified Ads To Sell With!)
They’re all yours – Get cash orders over and over again from people all over the country by being the publisher of this exciting huge collection of recipes!
Again, our bonus report will show you how to sell recipes successfully so you can follow up with bigger and better offers as well!
Hey, I’m gettin’ hungry just thinking about it all! Man, I love pasta and I’ve even seen some Italian dishes I never heard of before in this series!
Now you can get all 59 Recipe e-Books, Full Reprint Rights and a copy of this same direct response website for just $97! You’ll be able to pocket $97 per order over and over again! Sell 10 sets a week and make an extra $9,700 profit!
These e-books are in PDF format. They can be read by anyone who downloads a free Acrobat Reader that's available everywhere online.
These e-books, because they are in PDF format have excellent printing capabilities. They print out beautifully on your printer. So they are perfect for mail order sales as well as for online sales.
Here They Are - 59 Recipe PDF e-Books along with their own individual Websites and Color Graphics on CD-ROM!
1.)Quick and Easy Cooking - 155 time-saving recipes
2.)Great Sandwiches - 100 of America's Favorite Sandwiches
56.)The Bar Master - 2300 of the most popular cocktail recipes
57.)Delectable Vegetable Dishes - over 300 recipes
58.)Vinegar For Your Health - lots of remedies
59.)How To Make Wines & Spirits From Home - tons of recipes
Thousands and thousands of searches are done each month for all these recipes online - now you can cash in big!
Order before and get These Super-Hot Bonuses!
BONUS #1 FREE REPORT "How To Make Money Selling Recipes"!
Get the best-kept secrets for getting powerful results from running classified ads. You'll out-pull your competition every time!
BONUS #2 PLUS, get my list of the best places to run your classified ads.
BONUS #3 Also a free report for sources of where to find the hottest cooking affiliate products for back-end sales!)
BONUS #4You also get a free copy of this exact website sales page to make $97 sales with!
You can re-sell this opportunity to your list of reprint rights buyers. Everything is set up to sell with. Just plug in your name and your own Pay button! They will want it so they can have a big-ticket item to sell online.
You can sell individual e-books complete with their own website sales pages and graphics for $10 - $20 each to your customers.
Or you can sell each individual books complete with their own websites to your reprint rights customers.
(This site alone and all 59 recipe collections makes the deal worth over $600, but it's all yours for a one-time fee of only $97 -- ORDER TODAY!!!) -- and don't forget, each recipe e-book comes with it's own web site and graphics!
Option:1ORDER the Seller's Resource now for Only $97! and get it now by instant download even if it's 3 a.m.!
YES!I want all 59 recipe e-Books (The Ultimate Recipe Seller's Resource) along with their own individual website sales pages and color graphics. I understand I can sell and run copies off on my printer, burn CD's, or sell instant downloads, etc. Or sell them anyway I wish.
Since I am ordering before I understand I will also receive the free bonus report: "How To Sell Recipes" and a copy of this website sales page for FREE along with my order, PLUS the bonus report that shows where to find hot affiliate back-end products and also places to advertise along with Full and Unlimited Reprint Rights!
I also understand that my credit card will be charged a one-time fee of $97 for the instant download or $109.95 for the CD-ROM.
Instant download$97
Option:2- Get everything mentioned above on a single CD-ROM delivered to your door by Priority First Class mail.
Option:3Uneasy about ordering online? Order by Mail:Get it by mail on CD-ROM for Only $109.00 postage paid
YES!Please send me the complete series and everything mentioned above including the bonus report on CD-ROM. Inclosed is my $109.00
Send cash, check or money order to:
Lee Cusano
8611 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd S
Lot 29B
Grand Bay, AL 36541
(Just include a note with your order stating the title: 'Recipe Seller's CD' along with your mailing address.) I will RUSH your order to you by First Class Mail.